Saturday, 28 November 2009

Vegan Double Chocolate Cookies

adapted from

½ cup vegan margarine
2/3 cups sugar
2 TBSP soy milk
1TSP vanilla
¼ cup cacao
1 cup flour
½ TSP baking soda
1/3 cup chocolate chips

Preheat the oven to 350°F. Cream butter and sugars until light and fluffy. Slowly add soy milk, cream well, then add vanilla. Combine the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl. Add the dry ingredients to the creamed mixture, then fold in the chocolate chips.Drop by teaspoons on cookie sheets. Bake at 350°F degrees for 8-10 minutes.

Monday, 23 November 2009

An undeserved moment with God

At the Starfield concert the singer told us to stretch out our arms to God, and a child reaches up to his father. This I did (which is somewhat unusual from me because I tend to go against whatever I am told to do in worship) and without much thought. But then I imagined God lifting me, as a small child, up, spinning me around, and loving me. I was safe, protected, and carefree. I felt Joy, peace and freedom. It was a time when I could do nothing but be with God, and that was enough. I rested in his arms.
I looked at my own life, and what I had felt didn’t seem to line up. I had been running on my own strength, feeling busy, not rested. Strong, not weak. Burdened, not free. Like I had to shield myself, rather than finding a refuge in God.
God, show me how I can live in your arms, in your strength and in your rest. In your love, and under your care and protection.

"The LORD your God is with you,
he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing." ~Zephaniah 3:17

"as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride,
so will your God rejoice over you." ~Isaiah 62:5