In the Beginning.
100 Trees - Day 4
Chalk in hand, the girl drew a line. “You say on your side, I’ll stay on mine,” Eva said to the boy. She traced the line again and again, widening it each time.
“I don’t want to be on your side anyhow,” the Edison retorted. “It’s ugly.”
She drew the line thicker, “My side has a beautiful tree, delicious fruit. I can climb it and spy on you. All you’ve got is bushes and—“ She froze as she saw a friend walk by. “Abi! come join my side. It is beautiful. Besides, all Edison’s got is a dumb bush.”
Eva handed Abi a piece of chalk and the two drew together. When Kade walked by, the children called out to him, begging him to join their side. Abi promised it was paradise with her and Eva. Kade didn’t join a side. Instead he drew Abi away. Neither of them came back.
When Zeth walked by, Edison called louder, promised grander and gained Zeth’s loyalty. Eva was angered. She was down, two against one, but she didn’t give up. Others walked by, and she kept calling them over. Some joined her, others went with Edison. None were allowed to stand on the thick divide. Those who tried were pulled one way or the other. The degrading comments continued to fly, voices raising louder and the gap grew wider. Eventually the two sides were so far apart, they couldn’t even see the other’s side to criticise it. Still the criticism flew. The criticism could no longer be heard by the opposition, but each side felt better, hearing from their own, about the atrocities of the enemies.
When Kade returned, he no longer recognised the place. He stood in the middle and called out to Eva and Edison. They couldn’t or wouldn’t hear him. He wasn’t sure which. He set up a tent, hoping that others, disenchanted, would soon join him.