I got my drivers license today, but now i never wanna drive, the thought scares me... (so i can't drive to Lacombe or Belfast)... but on to more weighing matters.
Christmas:I was talking to a friend today
lonely friend
hurting friend
mediocre, mellow, moderate, modestBut mostly, he was
lonelyand when we talked about
Christmasit meant nothing to him
no family to see
no friends to gather
no money to buy gifts
and no one to buy gifts for
sure the shelters would have a special
Christmas event
and gifts
but on
Christmas they are
the volunteers at home
with friends
enjoying their time of refreshment
Christmas day must
hurtit is a time,
A time of
friendship, spend
feasting, spent
hungry of
presents, spent
giftlessI wanted to cry for him
his face was as though he didn't care
his words portrayed that he wished he had made better choices
and now,
it was too late
He was one of many
and not the only one i talked to today
Richard hadn't had
Christmas in nine years
Nine years with
no joy,
no presentsnine frost biting years
nine years ago (or so) i got a toy seal,
and a pink folder with stickers
and many other things, i no longer remember
and then when the gifts where all opened
and i had my toys lined up behind me
They were so few
I though
I should get more
but nine years ago Richard didn't even have a
Christmashe had nothing to line up
nothing to show off
and no one to show it off to
Richard never seems that lonely to me.
always he is there with a
friend or
twoand he is
happysmartfriendlyyet he has no one to have
Christmas with
no where to
gather togetherso he is left
alone and is that really a holiday?
i look forward to Christmas
mostly to see my cousins
and aunts and uncles
and may Grandparents
But if i had
no one to go see
no good
food to eat
no presents for me
I would dread that day
a time of joy
but i would
loathe every moment of it's approaching
give up on every having a good
Christmasleave behind my Childhood memories
Forget that i ever liked it
but Richard has not given up
he says
He is finally
going up in the world
he thought
next yearmaybe then he would have
a houseand have a
celebration don't loose hope,
never loose hope Richard